

Dear students, My pleasure knows no bound at this time when I am to herald that Mankar Institute of Education And Research is going to start its fourth academic session of B.Ed course this year . On the eve of this auspicious occasion . I would like to convey to the fresher’s and also to the trainees of the second year a message--- the message , which I think, will enable you to grasp the specialty of our Institution and at the same time the indispensability for the would- be teachers to study B.Ed. course due sincerity . I must have to tell you that the constitution of our institution has adopted with due sincerity and reverence the thoughts and ideals of Rabindranath and Swami Vivekananda as the guiding principal of it . One can find , if one studies Rabindranath and Swamiji , that both looked upon education as the mainstay of man -making --- the making of a complete man who is rich in knowledge efficient in understanding , a true judge of the application of knowledge and also who can proof himself fit for maintaining social and global harmony . Both Rabindranath and Swamimji have searched through out lives for those persons who can make such a man . According to them those persons must not be a mere task-master but a perfect guide . They will be fit bearing the name ‘Teacher’ .I can be proud that our institution has been trying its best to make those teachers which the two great men longed for and I can again take pride in saying that it is the specialty of our institution .

Like all branches of sciences Education sciences also demands updated methodologies in the changing world. Therefore a teacher must undergo training on a regular basis on from time to time .If that type of training are not made available for a teacher . Our class teaching will become a futile mockery . Vidyasagar was the first Indian educator to grasp this reality . He, some 164 years ago wrote to F.J. Mouat , the then educational Head of India – “ Let us establish a number of vernacular schools , let us prepare a series of vernacular class books on useful and instinctive subjects , let us raise up a band of men qualified to undertake the responsible duties of teachers and the object is accomplished “ . It is he who established’ Normal School’ that was the first training institute for teachers in India . Therefore a teacher must have to study B.Ed course before he adopt his career as a teacher or during his life as a teacher . Problem lies in the fact that most of the students of B.ed course in present time can not realize or deliberately do not want to realize the necessity of impositions and compulsions that the B.Ed course arrange for them . But they forget that this impositions and compulsions of all the pedagogical activities conducted by the B.Ed course , though rigorous , monotonous and in attractive are the ways through which a student can prepare himself perfectly as a teacher in the future . Teachers training is a formative period for a trainee to be perfect teacher . At this point , I would like to re-iterate the specialty of our institution . Mankar Institute of education And Research pays due honour to all the rigorous impositions and in attractive bindings of training . Here rules and regulations regarding general discipline , attendance , preparation of lessen plan , teaching practice , tutorial classes etc are followed regularly. No flexibility and relaxation are indulged by the college authority on those points . But on which point is our institute an institute with a difference ? Mankar Institute of Education And Research provides ample arrangements for its trainees through which they can attain a joyous emancipation amidst all sorts of in attractive and monotonous bindings of the training process and activities . Our Institute can be proud of its library where the trainees can enrich themselves with knowledge’s of disciplinary , no disciplinary and co-related subjects . it is my advice to the trainees to avoid it for the welfare of their own . Mankar Institute of education And Research organizes various cultural activities throughout the session .The trainees can flourish their creativity and enrich their sense of aesthetics through these programs. The arrangements of indoor and outdoor games in our institution have added an important dimension to the joyful training for the trainees . What is special for the institution and also very important for the trainees is that this institution lays extreme emphasis on the socialization of students as well as of the trainees . This institution conducts a number of social service schemes in every session . various surveys by the trainees in the surrounding areas especially in the surrounding tribal mahallas , literacy campaign , health awareness camps in those areas , various programmes relating to anti-dowry awareness , girls marriage prevention , road safety etc. are organized throughout the session . These are not mare routine works but occasions for the trainees to be initiated perfectly to socialization which , I think , the first and the foremost precondition for a man to become a true teacher who must be a complete social man at first . I advice the fresher’s to participate in those programmes invariably . To conclude ,I also would like to admit the reality regarding the distrust of a remarkable number trainees in the utility of B.Ed. course amidst the dark atmosphere of uncertain employment generation . I have honest and earnest sympathy for them . Yet there is hope somewhere , I firmly believe . The trainees must do not give up faith .I would like to quote Jibananda Das , the renowned Bengali Poet ------------- “Hare there is life , the taste of life / Here remains the water of river / and nor the bitter foam of ocean “ . I heartily convey my best wishes to the fresher’s and also wish every success in their lives . I wish , all of them may succeed in their profession in future . I would like to make our trainees known about an example of a letter from Rabindranath to C.F. Andrews in August 28,1920 - -----“ The real teaching is a gift , it is a sacrifice it is not a manufacture article of routine work and because it is a leaving thing it is fulfillment of knowledge for the teacher himself “